Friday 13 July 2018

Dreamed The Improbable Dreams

"Proud of my cousin @eugeniarakhma and jealous at the same time. We've talked about the dream of becoming a writer and yet, she is there...

this is her first debut on teen novel, which covers friendship, love, and mystery. you are taken to a high school memory in this light novel and get an unexpected ending..

FYI, she started her publish books with children story and activities. you can find it in Benji and Dino series..

It is a long and tough journey of a writer as I've seen her struggles and tears. That's why I salute her. and hey, I know someday I'll get there as well.

smile, love, peace, and music!"

Yes, you will, Rhie...
Thank you for your support always,
still waiting for you in writer's path.

Keep on writing too, dear you...

"I never dreamed about success, I worked for it." 
- Estee Lauder -

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